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Presenting The Finest
Lab Grown Diamonds
In Dubai

Dazzling Diamonds That Mesmerize You

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Features of
Lab Grown Diamonds


Produced using advanced mechanical procedures that duplicate the conditions in which natural diamonds are formed, Lab Grown Diamonds have the same proportionate optical and synthetic properties as natural diamonds.

Although equivalent in composition, appearance, and quality, Lab Grown Diamonds cost only a fraction of mined diamonds.

Why Choose Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab Grown Diamonds are fabricated from an equivalent material similar to that of natural diamonds, hence, they exhibit equal brilliance and sparkle. They’re made up of actual carbon atoms that are precisely organized within the characteristic diamond crystal structure.

Why Lab Grown Diamonds?

Certified Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab Grown Diamonds are certified and graded to the same standards as mined diamonds. They test positive on a diamond tester as they're made of crystallized carbon. Lab Grown Diamonds are just like natural diamonds.

Affordable Lab Grown Diamonds

The value of Lab Grown Diamonds is 30-40% less than the mined diamonds. Lab diamonds are absolutely real diamonds as they share the same physical and chemical properties.

Diamond Quality And Purity

Lab Grown Diamonds are purer than natural diamonds as they do not have any ingrained dirt or impurities. They are made in controlled environments in special laboratories to ensure maximum purity.

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